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Blackcurrant Benefits
Blackcurrant is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals.
Blackcurrat fruit is also rich in vitamin C four times that of an orange, two times the potassium of bananas and the antioxidants of blueberrie. Anthocyanins that reduce inflammation and arthitris the body. This effect is similar to aspirin, so many people choose to drink blackcurrant juice than taking medication. Anthocyanins are not damaged but that the processing process must be considered.

  So Blackcurrarnt is used for:
- To prevent inflammation
- Strong Antioxidants
- Prevent cancer.


Best 8 fruit to Maintain a Healthy Body
Fruit is one food rich in vitamins and minerals. For those of you who do not like fruit. The content of vitamins and minerals needed cells of the body, especially to enhance the immune system. Want to know what fruit is good for our bodies? This answer was launched by Mensfitness. 

1. Apple 
consumption is one apple every day, you have to meet 17% of the body's fiber needs .. Fiber is very important to maintain a healthy colon and controlling blood sugar levels. 
2. Wine 
A study found that consumption of high glycemic carbohydrates after heavy exercise, can produce glycogen re missing. Well, for those of you who are body building training session, the wine would be very helpful in restoring your physical. 
3. Cherry 
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, said that the inflammation in the body into the root causes of various diseases. A study shows that the nutrient content in cherries can block enzymes associated with inflammation. 
4. Pomegranates If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, try adding pomegranate in your daily diet. Pomegranates are also known as natural Viagra to cure erectile dysfunction. It is caused by a powerful antioxidant in pomegranate seeds. 
5. Blackberry 

Blackberry contains high levels of vitamin K so as to meet the needs of 36% of the body every day. Intake of vitamin K is essential for men, as it helps lower the risk of prostate cancer. Manganese mineral content in blackberries also helps the production of testosterone amounts. 
6. Grapefruit 

Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus fruits found in Barbados in the 18th century. Other names Pomelo. Although the benefits of a healthy diet Grapefruit assists. If you want to lose weight, eat half a grapefruit before meals regularly. Body weight will decrease approximately 3.6 kg in 12 weeks. 
7. Lemon 
yellow-skinned fruit contains citric acid that helps break down fat and stimulate the digestive juices. Lemon juice is very good for maintaining the function of the liver and gall bladder. Lemon juice is also proven to reduce fatigue, anxiety, and improve concentration. 
8. Papaya 
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain. The enzyme was shown to relieve indigestion. Papaya has enzymes chymopapain, is useful to relieve inflammation.  
Eighteen of these can meet the needs of vitamins and minerals for your body. All the benefits that exist in.
